Waterplay Table
Pilot your boat down the changing current of our 28 foot waterplay table. By raising and lowering the water levels, you can change the path of your journey. Inspired by an actual stretch of the Mississippi River in the Quad Cities, you will find the I-74 Bridge, the Government Bridge, and the I-280 Bridge along your route. For smaller explorers, there is a shorter table just the right height nearby.

What is a river without a tugboat and barge? Help the captain load his barge with cargo from the dock using a working crane. Can you do it by yourself, or do you need someone to help you? After you load the barge, take a walk on our large-scale bridges. Once again we used inspiration from the Quad Cities for our three large bridges: I-74, Government, and Centennial. Spy the fish swimming under the I-74 Bridge, and play music on the percussive Centennial Bridge.

Train Table
Trains and railroads play an important role in the life of a river, and our train table rivals the best of them. Wooden tracks wind around the train table filled with the people, places, and bridges of the Quad Cities. Duck under the bridges to get closer to the action. Warning: kids have been known to spend hours here!
Free with admission
Located on the main level
Perfect for all ages
Handicap Accessible
Open during regular hours