Bring the Family Museum to Your School!

Outreach programs allow teachers the luxury of staying at school and having our educators come to them! We offer programs for Preschool through 6th grade on a number of subjects including dinos, physics, engineering, sound, art, and more!
Download our Outreach and Field Trip Info Sheet
To register, email Julie or call her at (563) 344-4170.
Outreach Details
Programs are designed to be presented to one class group of approximately 25 students at a time and for the students to come to the presentation rather than moving the presentation. Programs are limited to one topic per day. Program length is 50 minutes per class. Programs are available Mondays - Fridays; other times may be available, please inquire.
Program Cost*:
1 session: $100
2 sessions: $160
3 sessions: $200
4 sessions: $240
5 sessions: $280
*Add 70 cents per mile round trip mileage outside the Quad Cities Metro area.
Outreach Programs
It’s a Dino Life! (Pre K - 1st Grade)
Get to know the dinosaurs! Become little paleontologists and look at how dinosaurs are different. Examine the differences between the meat eaters and plant eaters. Play a dinosaur game and make a dinosaur puppet.
Animal Communication (Pre-K - 3rd Grade)
Investigate nonverbal communication and body language in the animal kingdom, become a sound detective and help distinguish between different noises as a team!
Creepy Crawly Critters (K - 2nd Grade)
Get buggy and come eye-to-antennae with real live insects. Make a life cycle model and identify insects and non-insects.
Ramp and Roll (K - 2nd Grade)
Discover force and motion, cause and effect, and more science concepts while playing with ramps, cars, and balls. Students create fun engineering experiments that help them internalize science phenomena.
Little Engineers (K - 3rd Grade)
Work through the engineering design process, defining the question, imagining and planning a solution, creating a solution based on the plan, testing and improving the design. Which team can build a paper bridge that can hold the most weight?
Marvelous Magnificent Magnets (K - 3rd Grade)
Build knowledge about magnets and demonstrate basic principles of magnetism.
Sound Science (K - 3rd Grade)
Check out the vibrations all around us and explore seeing, feeling and hearing sounds. Make a vibrating cup.
Cubes and Crystals (Grades 2-6)
Learn about geometry in nature and engineering. Make and decorate paper models of platonic solids (cool 3-D shapes).
Seeing Is Believing (Grades 2-6) Learn how our eyes work and how they help us to see. Experiment with optical illusions that show how parts of vision work.
Gadgets and Gizmos (Grades 3-5)
Explore the simple machines - levers, wedges, pulleys, inclined planes, gears, screws and more on our amazing "Tennis Ball Bowling Gizmo". Students create a new contraption that will push, pull, roll and do work.
Push Pull Forces (Grades 3-5)
Observe the forces of push, pull, and friction to makes things go, change direction, or stop. Build a roller coaster that's really fast... or maybe slow. (An open floor space is required.)
Spin It! (Grades 3-5)
Discover the science of rotation in art, toys, and paper helicopters.