Directions & Parking

Would you like to know how to get to the Family Museum? Let us help you!


2900 Learning Campus Drive
Bettendorf, IA 52722

Find us on Google Maps!

Parking Lot

The road directly in front of the Family Museum is for buses only. Normal traffic is asked to drive only in the parking lot. Please be aware of children and families walking.

Handicap Parking

Handicap parking spots for the Family Museum are located along the east side of the building. To access them, you must enter the Bettendorf Public Library parking lot. Look for the spots along the Museum. If anyone is in need of further assistance, they are asked to call the Family Museum at (563) 344-4106. 

[Our field trip] is something we look forward to all year and are so thankful for the generosity of the Museum. The staff is wonderful to work with and they are great with our students! Thank you again for the opportunity! Ms. Neels