The Family Museum is a great place to host your next gathering.

Facility Rental
After Hours Facility Rental
The Family Museum is available on a contractual basis to private parties who wish to rent the facility after hours.
The standard rental fee for private party facility rental is as follows:
- $750 for two hours, up to 100 people.
- $1500 for four hours, up to 100 people.
- Non Profit Organizations may be given a discount at the discretion of the Museum Director. Proof of 501C3 status is required.
- $200 deposit required upon booking. This will be applied toward rental cost.
- Full refund of deposits will be given if cancellation of event is made in writing no less than 7 days in advance.
- Proof of Insurance is required for all facility rentals.
- Private parties must list the City of Bettendorf as an additional insured on their insurance policy with coverage up to $500,000. A copy of said policy must be provided in advance.
Payment of the remainder of the rental is due the day of the event - no exceptions.
The renting party is responsible for any damage, accidents, or injuries that may occur during the party or event.
Twelve (12) banquet style tables and up to 100 chairs are available at no additional cost.
Renter must act as the host and may not charge for goods or services at said event.
Alcohol is not permitted under any circumstances.
Private party facility rental includes use of the Family Museum’s Great Hall and Exhibit Gallery. *Please Note: No food is allowed in the Museum Exhibit Galleries.
Rental arrangements can be made by calling (563) 344-4106.