Field Trips

Bring your school group to the Family Museum for an interactive combination of learning and play! Our exhibits are designed to encourage exploration and discovery for children eight and under.

Plan Your Field Trip!

Download Our Field Trip and Outreach Info Sheet

  • Times: Tuesdays - Fridays anytime between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm
  • Fee: $5 per child in a school group, $2 for those who meet the Federal free and reduced lunch program guidelines, and $6 per child for groups not associated with a school district. The Free and Reduced Field Trip Initiative is sponsored by Great Southern Bank.

Great southern bank logo

  • Children who have memberships to the Family Museum are NOT allowed to use their membership on a group visit, but chaperones who have a membership ARE allowed to use theirs.
  • First Place for First Grade: Are you a first grade teacher in Scott or Rock Island County? You may be able to receive free admission and bus payment through the Family Museum's First Place for First Grade program. When you register, ask for more information. First Place for First Grade is sponsored by GreenState Credit Union.

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  • ChaperonesOne adult for every 5 children is required and will be admitted free. Additional adults are $5 each for school groups; $6 each for groups not associated with a school district. Children who have memberships to the Family Museum are NOT allowed to use their membership on a group visit, but chaperones who have a membership ARE allowed to use theirs.
  • Add a 30-minute workshop to your Field Trip
    Workshops are for Kindergarten through 3rd grades. Each workshop is $2 per child. Limit of 25 students per workshop, but you can have more than one workshop.   
    •   Gadgets and Gizmos: Explore the science behind simple machines such as levers, wheels, screws and more. This hands-on workshop focuses on engineering and executive function thinking skills.  
    •   Push Pull Forces: Channel your inner Isaac Newton! Observe the forces of push, pull, and friction.  Discover how these elements make things go and stop.  
    •   The Secret of Flight: Learn how to cut and fold paper to make a simple helicopter and a glider that will demonstrate the Secret of Flight!
  • Eating: No food or drink is allowed.
  • The Fox & Bee Museum Store: Educators will receive a 10% discount on the day of their class visit! No other discounts apply.

To register your group, please call Julie at (563) 344-4170 or email her today! You must be registered to receive the group rate.

I am so impressed with the staff of the Family Museum. [They] were wonderful hosts and so welcoming not only to me but to all of the student inventors and their families.Denise, Invent Iowa